I reconfigured my nest and woke up feeling refreshed this morning…I had slept! I felt truly peaceful. It actually felt a bit foreign. I wasn’t sure if I was ok because I didn’t have the heaving sobs and felt more capable of handling my emotions. Peace had arrived. 🙏
Fraser seems ‘peaceful’ although he continues to keep the doctors and nurses busy chasing his bp and pneumonia. He is in full sedation and ventilator once again, but…peaceful(?).
His BP is either too high or way too low…and stomach acid now getting into his lungs, which are already full of pneumonia, via the tubes in his throat, we can only prepare to come home and try to work on things there. He’ll be another team’s puzzle…and we’ll be right there with him.🙏
We found out this afternoon that Fraser has a bed at Foothills Hospital and we are just waiting for our air transport. 24-48 hours was their timeline. So, his Mom and the kids are each making their way back home in the next day or two. I am hoping I will be able to go with Fraser but they need a full team because of his status (this is not the kind of status people want when it comes to flying!). I can’t imagine taking a different flight without him and told them I will curl up and they’ll hardly know I’m there.
Knowing a bit more of a firm timeline, we allowed ourselves to venture outside our usual bubble and went to the Wetlands. Our nurses today were like personal concierges! Food recommendations; nature…they had it all! And most importantly, I trusted they would keep a keen eye on Fraser so we felt comfortable leaving him for a bit. That is a huge gift these nurses offer!
The Wetlands were actually not very wet (it is the desert after all. Lol) but the running water was calming and being able to walk barefoot (on the hard…dirt?sand?) felt so good.🙏 Some of the trees here seem lifeless and yet they grow and life is clearly there...the parallel of our current reality was evident throughout our walk.
And, I'm grateful to be coming home soon...but it’s going to be a bit before I acclimatize myself. It was 24c today and I needed a long sleeve shirt!😳 Please be warmer when we get home Calgary...not being picky...buuuuuut...ew. Snow. 🥶
I’ll keep you all posted!
Peace be with you🫶
Safe travels home 😘 Foothills hospital is great 😊 take care you guys XO
I am glad that the plan to move when without a hitch; I wish for safe travel to the snowy chill that is Calgary (quick check it only -4 ⛄️). Well wishes to everyone travel and continue to pray for Fraser to recovered. 🫶🏾
That is great news there is a bed waiting for Fraser! You got this my friend. I pray for the safe return of all of you back home. Its time to put "Team Brooke's" healing plans into place here. Much love to you all
As I go about my jobs at home today I find tears again streaming down my face and pray out loud willing Fraser to get better, nothing else in life seems to matter at the moment, the stupid trivial things we usually moan about mean nothing ! C’mon Cuz you can do this 😭🙏🏻 sending love to you all for your trip home .
I am happy to read you slept, were able to have some fresh air, got your toes in the dirt and that there is a bed waiting in YYC for Fraser. Trusting the doctors let Fraser leave and all goes as planned, I will send more good vibes that you find a spot on the transport with Fraser, and for everyone’s trip ‘home’ in the next few days. Sending love to you all ❤️ have a peaceful rest ❤️