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October 24 9:50 am


As much as yesterday was super tough it lead us to find some inner peace and solace where we want external assurances. However, I have been reminded a few times that the possibility of not knowing also allows a possibility that anything is still possible.💕

I think my dear friend, Anapaula shared this most beautifully:

‘And remember dearest friend: the not knowing can be agonizing however when we get reminded that it is in the not knowing that all possibilities resides. When we know… than there is only one direction , when we do not know then all is possible. It is time you all dive into not knowing.’

So diving we go into the unknown. To allow ourselves to witness Fraser’s journey; To be his passengers; to communicate amongst ourselves and to try and let go of the idea we can control the outcome that suits us. To allow ourSelves to be held in this unknown as Fraser is.

I thought the ‘art of letting go’ was about donating a favourite book or piece of clothing…or maybe even a piece of family history. But those are ‘things’. I have never been allowed the opportunity to experience the idea of letting go of a desired outcome at this depth. Letting go, totally, of control. Allowing for possibility. Giving it over to God. This is the blessing and gift Fraser is offering us. 🙏

…and also, we are here waiting for you Fraser. You are with us even when you are not. I feel that in every sense of my being.💕

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DL Morley
DL Morley
25 Οκτ 2023

Anything from the CT scan?

Why anti psychotic instead of sedatives? How are the lungs? When can he get the breathing tube out?

Music, reading, smells, cuddles, patience and love, love, love.

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