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October 23 8:30 am


Updated: Oct 24, 2023

My phone memory showed us in Red Rock Canyon 5 years ago....that trip to Vegas was WAY better than this one!



Caelin and I were talking about what it is to be strong. I've received many message saying how strong I am and how strong Fraser is. I look at where we are and the man in front of me and he is now at his most vulnerable. It doesn’t even remotely resemble strong to me.

But we are limited by words so maybe strong looks differently than the traditional sense of the word. Right now strength looks like not being able to cry the tears that come to the surface but refuse to use the wave it is being offered to allow them to release. It looks like standing up when I want to curl into a ball. It is allowing myself to trust others and let me take some time for some self-care. It looks like putting one foot in front of the other. It looks like anything other than ‘strong’ at the moment.

I guess I imagined strength as being ‘strong’ when really it can also look like vulnerability. The strength to be vulnerable. The ability to continue feeling faith as the days get longer.

I am reminded he is between the living and the dead and is exploring the safety that space offers him. I let him know the door here is open and we can bring back some of where he is so he can come back to us.

So still, he rests. So still. He rests.


Today's reminder from the wisdom of The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse

Caelin just opened to this page:

"Sometimes", said the horse. "Sometimes What?" asked the boy.

"Sometimes just getting up and carrying on is brave and magnificent".




Harmony Howe
Harmony Howe
Oct 24, 2023

Sending you all strength, energy, love and hugs. ❤️‍🩹🙏


Oct 23, 2023

I know strength is far from how you feel right now. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You are all in shock right now. your world has stopped but the world around you keeps going. It’s all like a dream . Know we are all your strength right now holding you up and will be there for you if you fall apart as well. Love you so much 🥰🤗♥️🙏


Oct 23, 2023

Strength be with you, in all those ways…and in knowing that at those vulnerable times, there are many others holding you all, so strongly in our hearts and prayers. Such amazing writing…it helps us be there all the more❣️🥰

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