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October 21st

Updated: Jan 28, 2024

We have organized a remote healing session with the EE system for the next month at 11 am each day. The EE system healed Fraser’s hands…and that’s by HIS account! 😁 And as much as I question the confines of ‘time/space’ I do not question the power of prayer, love, energy etc. and directed prayer even more.

So, this is an offer to invite you to hold Fraser in your prayers and thoughts at the same time. I believe that is so powerful and the energy behind it is all that is necessary. The power of making ‘even’ an acknowledgment is powerful beyond our current understanding. And maybe it isn’t meant to be understood but felt.

So I leave you with Fraser being supported by the ventilator; getting rid of the mucous in his lungs (my onions are TOTALLY working😉) and me pretending to sleep but not really.

There is much to be done and also not. Duality


Fraser is in great, far less tired (exhausted) hands…kids and Mom are there taking great care of him while Jeannette has taken me away to rest for the day…I know I need it and can come back more rested.

Fraser continues to take the rest he needs and is stable and they are chasing the ‘ICU’ experience. His brain is stable; heart is good but all the meds are having his body work harder so they are chasing that. Keep sending the love 💕


All in all he’s fully sedated and on the ventilator…allowing his body to heal while he decides when he’s going to come back to us 💕….soon🙏

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Oct 22, 2023

Good morning Brooke and family. Grateful for Caitlin for the new blog and everyone in all their prayer groups and energy healing groups. This helps immensely! One step at a time all. We will all help as a community family to get you all thru this . So much love to you all ♥️♥️🙏🙏

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