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November 28 7:38pm

Glen Grant Distillery

I’ve been thinking about the ‘last times’. You know: the last time we walked the reservoir or by the river. Our last date; we laughed until I cried and my stomach hurt. Our last conversation during our last hot tub; he always wanted to buy land and build a cabin…but it had to have water so I could SUP (stand-up paddle board); that was important to him…he was thoughtful like that. The last time ‘we’ gardened together (it was mostly him-he had an amazing green thumb and grew strawberries just for me) and…the last time we went to Scotland.

This will be our last time with him; Fraser’s final trip to Scotland with us and his Mom is booked. Fraser’s Dad, ‘Scotty’ and many ancestors rest there already and are ready to fully welcome him I’m sure.

I cannot wait to be with more of his family and share such a special place with them. When the thought came about during a conversation with a dear friend, I felt such peace. So, we made it happen. Ok…peace is felt after the gut wrenching grief that hurts my neck….but then I ask Fraser to help bring me back to peace. And with his presence, the gift of peace.

We’re still trying to sort out exactly how many ashes we will bring..if not all…my request but I don’t have sole ‘ownership’. Still such a weird thought....ownership and giving away pieces of someone. Hm

xo, Brooke

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29 de nov. de 2023

That was a special day at Glen Grant my childhood home, when we got the drams from Dennis out of the safe in the rock face. This brought more tears today as I remember the lovely day we all had touring and drinking ( me the driver) it was an honour to have you all and will be an honour to have you again soon, Fraser and all 💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


DL Morley
DL Morley
29 de nov. de 2023

Well for sure don't put any ashes in your luggage. That's a carry on item! ;)


29 de nov. de 2023

Brooke you have all those beautiful memories . They will always be with you ♥️🤗 . Love that he will be with his ancestors🥰

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