Sunday, November 26, 2023
Heritage Pointe Golf Club
1 Heritage Pointe Dr.
Heritage Pointe, AB
2:00 - 5:00 pm
2:30 pm Welcome/First toast:
Loreen Paterson (Mother)
Glenn Martin (Best Man)
Brooke Paterson (Wife)
4:00 pm Launchpad if you rsvp'd for golf
~ May the win be iways at yir back,
May the sun shine warm upon yir face
The rains fa soft upon yir fields and til we meet again, may God hud yi in the hollow o his han.
Loreen (Scotty) (Mom and Dad), Christine (sister), Brooke, Connor and Caelin are honoured you are here to celebrate Fraser.
Our most heartfelt thank you.
ZOOM LINK TO FOLLOW...stay tuned