Did you know you can buy urns on Amazon? Amazing! I actually didn’t know there are many options in the death business! Call around! You might not even need half of what they offer! And, if that seems morbid, it is…but in reality, death is a part of this business of life. It’s all in the details.
I’m still working (grappling? Struggling?) with…ashes and attachment. During a conversation with a good friend today I realized that, back in the day, when people were buried, no one asked for a finger or toe or arm to remember the person by. Isn’t it funny, that today, we want ashes to ‘remember’ someone by? If they (and we) are pure energy then are they not always available to us? Should we not keep someone whole and release them as such? And it’s ok if that’s not what lives in your heart…i’m just not sure my heart has the same imprint. We're' okay.
What I miss right now is the all around energy. We are, as humans, meant to experience the physical…so that is what I miss most. The physical. The energy you can laugh with; the energy that can hug you; and the energy that can….take you somewhere else. That.
And so I go, off to sleep, wrapped in energy yet lonely without his energy: Love will overcome all anyways. That’s just the way. It has to be.
xo, Brooke
I love this picture of you two! Beautiful couple ♥️🥰
Faya would love to cuddle to sleep. She will take all the affection you can give and she will give you as much affection as you can take.
Urns and ashes.... no decision needs to be made on that now. You don't need to spend a lot of money doing things the death industry thinks you should. Keep it, share it, spread it, save it and comingle it,. Just don't drop it for now.
Try to be grateful for all the embraces you've had, let them fill you up.
I love you.