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January 4 8:47pm

My Grandfather (Granits); my brother; my Man and my kiddo 💕

I. Have found. My ‘Sitting Pants’. My Grandfather (affectionately called Granits) used to use that term when someone had either overstayed their welcome and would just ‘sit about’ or would ‘sit about’ and wouldn’t help clear the dining table, etc. Either way, ‘Sitting Pants’.

Well, let me tell you, I found them recently…and even I think they’ve overstayed their welcome. I have spent two days, ok, like maybe three but not the entire days…I mean, I did wake up at 10 one morning! Ok. 2 mornings…anything past 8 am to me is sleeping in. So, 10?? Clearly I have needed such restful, sleep-in kind of sleeps.

And to put my phone down and Nestflix (Netflix + Nest) with Caelin has been….restful, cathartic and healing. And also…it’s time. Time to getter going again. Caelin is back to school and I, well, I need to get moving.

And speaking of moving; I’ve been looking at some prime real estate….don’t get too excited….it’s in our (my*) closet. I can’t quite bear the thought (I think ‘bare’ the thought works here as well) of moving Fraser’s clothes just yet. I know he doesn’t need them (duh…even though for a split second of a split second I sometimes have a hopeful(?) ‘moment’…but I am still paying my respects to them (some of them still have hints of his cologne) and honouring them as a reminder of all he provided for us; including our new closet and his clothes that he or we carefully chose for him to wear at some point. He liked nice things…for both of us. They have a story of how they got into this closet and ‘garbage bag for goodwill’ doesn’t quite have the ring I think it should on their way out…at least not right now.

BUuuuuuttt….those pant hangers are pretty slick! We only have one ‘section’ where his pants get to be on the 'fancy' hangers. So, I’ve taken one and, shhh, but I snuck my pants on the left side. It’ll be symbolic of how I managed to get into Fraser’s pants once and this time they’re ALL coming off at some point….but this is just real estate foreplay. I’m not ready for first base just yet.

Ok, see? Couch time has done me some wonders. My wits are returning…at least one wit. The other party wit should stay out a while...ok.I have to admit, i'm not actually that clever...check out the coaster Fraser bought me from Palm Springs.😁

With that, I say, Goodnight. And, thanks for being on the crazy ride with me. 🙏

Xo, Brooke

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DL Morley
DL Morley
Jan 07, 2024

All stuff can wait. So happy you are getting some rest and having some fun time. There are lots of comedies and comedians on Netflix. Laughter is a pretty darn good medicine.

I'm intrigued by your real estate references. Remember, no huge changes until 2025.

You could likely sell some of Fraser's suits & nice clothes. I know his wife kept him in the latest styles. Or is there a Dressed for Success for men? Fraser was a person to always give a helping hand. Or is there someone at his office who is a hard to fit sized guy?

I am all for you having the space you deserve in the closet. He was lucky to be able to…


Jan 05, 2024

I have felt honoured to be able to read, and deeply moved by, your posts, Brooke. And I love your wit! Love, Susan

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