Yesterday I had the best, absolutely needed, kind of day. Sure, it could be jet lag but it is also for sure, ‘emotion lag’.
Just the other day I was lamenting not feeling as close to Fraser. Well, turns out, and I can hear his voice when I say, ‘sounds like a you (me) problem’. I haven’t been ‘quiet’ enough. And not in a ‘you need to stop talking’ way (someone told me that recently….it didn’t work), but in a ‘stop and rest’ kind of way. I’ve managed to fill my days…and it is only when I truly stop that I can allow myself to feel his presence.
Two gifts; stillness and presence.
Caelin and I made a nest on the living room floor by the fireplace; snacks; bevvies and a wonderful homemade soup from Wendy to complete our ‘Day In’.
Our dog was with the dog walker (that's another story for another day); We put our phones away for the afternoon; watched way too much tv; snacked on honey popcorn and shortbread cookies; slept as we needed; played video games; and then still managed to have a long sleep last night.
I tried to leave my judgement aside too but it lingered for a bit. I have things to do that I was telling myself were more important than self-care. And honestly, what in the world is more important than a few hours of self-care? Funny that I would encourage and even applaud someone who could ‘turn it off’ for a bit but seem to have different rules for myself. Don’t we all?
Again, my big ‘lesson’ from Sprout was self-compassion. I just need the reminder sometimes…and a day by the fire with my daughter and an impromptu visit from Connor, is one of the best reminders of the gifts available if we are open to it…and or tired enough to just let it happen. Either way I got there…and am feeling more rested and peaceful for sure. And also, the pile on my desk, lucky me, will be there until I get to it…it can wait.
xo, Brooke