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December 16 6:32pm

I almost forgot the funniest story about Sprout!! …well, there’s a few but they’re only funny in hindsight. Like the time I chased a dog down the mall as my friend watched in horror…there was no dog. Or the time I saw a dolphin swim across the street…it was a balloon but my brain made it real. Kinda cool in a way…brains are fascinating things aren’t they?!

This story was funny…like, on the spot funny! Someone was remarking that she couldn't believe I had brain surgery. Fraser turned and said, ‘seriously?! Brooke, are you still telling people that?!' She looked kind of perplexed as he, with a straight face said, ‘C’mon…brain surgery? Psh.’ He then slowly and quietly, as if not to let anyone overhear said, ‘Sure…um…she actually had a ‘lift kit’…..for ‘down there’. OMG! I had NO idea that’s what he was going to come up with. That was a good one! He even caught me!! 😆

Fraser had a great poker face for sure…and people sometimes never knew whether he was serious or not. He liked it that way. We shared our dark sense of humour...we liked it that way💕

Xo, Brooke

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DL Morley
DL Morley
Dec 17, 2023

Sometimes,the darker the better. Had he not been his size, he may have gotten his assed kicked a few times with his sense of humour.

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