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December 14 9:35pm

🎄Merry Christmas🎄

Apparently it’s Christmas season! I love(d?) Christmas! Fraser used to make me wait, rather impatiently, for Dec. 1 before I was ‘allowed’ to put up the tree and play Christmas music...all day every day. He loved it!! 😉

This year is, of course, different. My friend decorated my mantle and my new roomie put up a tree, but that’s it for Christmas this year. It wouldn’t have happened without them. And, I realized the other day that perhaps there was a company Christmas party at some point over the last few weeks that seem to have disappeared? Getting dressed up and having Christmas photos made me start to feel more of the Christmas spirit. I know the past few years have been different but even smaller celebrations were fun to get to meet and visit with Fraser’s work family.

I do miss the company Christmas party’s. It was the one time when I could put faces to names (I could only remember some of them for the evening because it wouldn’t really be until the next year when I’d meet some of them again). Some I’d meet at various events throughout the year (Stampede was always fun) and those faces I remember well. I enjoyed hearing about ‘work Fraser’....and we usually had a ton of fun with the photos...well done Social Club! 😁

I am still so honoured so many people from his work family came to his celebration. As I said in my speech, and I mean it; work family is important.  A lot of time is spent with people from the office. I enjoyed seeing him visiting and letting his guard down (a bit)…this was ‘Christmas party Fraser’…not ‘work Fraser’.

I believe this photo was one of those times. Fraser introduced me to some of his colleagues that evening….as his girlfriend. And I went along with it. Why not? No kid talk. No work talk. No family business talk…just fun.

It was rather hilarious watching some of the women gawk at me as I walked by and when I said ‘hi’ or smiled at them as they passed they would simply look past me. I thought Fraser had told them the truth shortly after our introduction…but he didn’t.

After a few cocktails one of them got brave enough to confront him….those are my kind of people!! He got them straightened out; they couldn’t believe he would play such a prank; but they laughed and he bought them a drink to apologize. I was a bit mortified thinking they thought I was that kind of woman…but how would they know?! Fraser wouldn’t lie!!! ….but he would play a joke…he enjoyed his pranks. 😁

I miss hearing him come home and we would both be waiting (like Kato and Pink Panther) seeing who would surprise whom first. I’d like to say it never got old, but it did…and yet, we still did it.

As much as life got serious we did find some ways to find laughter….sometime I’ll have to share our funny ‘Sprout’ story (my little brain tumour friend)…but that’ll have to wait for another time.

I miss my boyfriend…and husband💕

Xo, Brooke

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DL Morley
DL Morley
Dec 15, 2023

Of course people would think you are the girlfriend! You are hot! And wives at Christmas parties of 50 something men are generally not hot.

I am somewhat relieved to hear you didn't get to the office Christmas party. It would have been awkward as hell for you and the co-workers. Had you suggested you were going I would have been calling to talk you out of such unnecessary emotional turmoil.

It's not a problem not to decorate the house this Christmas. You are going to Scotland. And you'd just have to take it all down when you got home. :)

You've already felt some Christmasy spirit with the celebration of Fraser's life. It's the time of year to b…

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